Collection: Western Australian Sheoak

Western Australian sheoak is a hardwood native to the south coast of south-western Western Australia. Renowned for its versatility, this timber has been used historically in the production of beer barrels and continues to find application in flooring, paneling, furniture, roofing shingles, and decorative woodwork. Its rich red-brown heartwood and pale yellow sapwood provide a striking appearance, making it a popular choice for turnery and bespoke projects.

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Appearance of WA Sheoak Timber

WA sheoak features a red-brown heartwood contrasted by pale yellow sapwood. The grain is generally straight, and the timber boasts a moderately even and fine texture. Unlike river sheoak and rose sheoak, WA sheoak’s medullary rays are less pronounced, contributing to its unique visual appeal.

Applications of WA Sheoak Timber

WA sheoak is widely used for furniture, flooring, and paneling. It is also popular for roofing shingles and decorative woodwork. Its fine texture and distinct coloring make it an excellent choice for turned and crafted items, where aesthetics are a priority.

Workability of WA Sheoak Timber

This timber is easy to work with, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. However, it is susceptible to lyctid borer, so care should be taken in its storage and handling.

Durability of WA Sheoak Timber

WA sheoak is primarily valued for its workability and visual appeal rather than its durability, making it ideal for interior and decorative uses.

Origin and Availability of WA Sheoak Timber

WA sheoak is native to the south coast of Western Australia and is available in limited quantities within the region. Buyers may need to source this timber locally or from specialist suppliers.

WA sheoak's combination of workability, unique appearance, and versatility ensures its continued popularity in applications ranging from practical construction to fine decorative pieces.

 Very LowLowMediumHighVery High
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Tangential :  4.50%  
Radial : 1.20%   
Unit Movement Tangential:     
Unit Movement Radial:0.13%    
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMedium HighMediumReasonably LowLowVery Low
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No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMediumLowVery Low
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 White, yellow, pale straw to light brownPink to pink brownLight to dark redBrown, chocolate, mottled or streaky
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Modulus of Rupture - Unseasoned:52 MPa
Modulus of Rupture - Seasoned:98 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Unseasoned:9.1 GPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Seasoned:9.4 GPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Unseasoned:26 MPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Seasoned:41 MPa
Impact - Unseasoned: 
Impact - Seasoned: 
Toughness - Unseasoned: 
Toughness - Seasoned: 
Hardness - Unseasoned: 
Hardness - Seasoned: 
 LowModerateReasonably HighHigh
 (0 - 5 yrs)(5 - 15 yrs)(15 - 25 yrs)(more than 25 yrs)
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 (0 - 7 yrs)(7 - 15 yrs)(15 - 40 yrs)(More than 40 yrs)
Above ground:    
 (0 - 20 yrs, usually < 5)(21 - 40 yrs)(41 - 64 yrs)(More than 60 yrs)
Marine Borer Resistance:    
Lyctid Borer Susceptibility:Susceptible
Lyctid Borer Susceptibility - Other: 
Termite Resistance: 
1 - non-combustible2 - reasonably non-combustible3 - slightly combustible4 - combustible

Fire Properties Group

Average Specific Extinction Area:


Bushfire Resistance:

BAL 12.5 and 19 – Door and window joinery only