Collection: Light Red Meranti Timber

Light red meranti, a tropical rainforest species, is native to Southeast Asia and the South West Pacific islands, including the Philippines, Indonesia, and East Malaysia. In Australia, it is often marketed simply as meranti but is also known as Borneo cedar, seraya, lauan, or Philippine mahogany. Its versatility and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice for a range of decorative and functional applications.

Appearance of Light Red Meranti Timber

The heartwood of light red meranti ranges in colour from soft pink to pinkish-brown, with sapwood that can sometimes be slightly lighter, though not always clearly distinguishable. The timber features a moderately coarse yet even texture, and quarter-sawn boards can display an attractive ribbon figure. Growth rings are typically absent, and rays range from medium to fine, contributing to the timber’s smooth and uniform appearance.

Applications of Light Red Meranti Timber

Light red meranti is prized for its decorative qualities and is widely used in paneling, flooring, joinery, mouldings, and plywood. Its workability and attractive finish also make it popular for furniture making, carving, and turnery. The timber is a staple in both residential and commercial settings, often sought after for creating elegant interiors and intricate woodwork.

Workability of Light Red Meranti Timber

This timber is straightforward to work with, thanks to its ability to be dried using conventional methods and bonded with standard procedures. While the sapwood readily absorbs preservatives, the heartwood is resistant to penetration using current commercial processes. Light red meranti machines well, producing a smooth surface. It also accepts standard fittings and fastenings with ease. The open grain of the wood requires filling before applying finishes such as paint, stain, or polish to achieve optimal results.

Durability and Maintenance of Light Red Meranti Timber

As a softer wood, light red meranti is not naturally resistant to termites, making it less suitable for outdoor or ground-contact applications without treatment. However, its ease of finishing and ability to accept preservatives in the sapwood enhance its suitability for various indoor uses. Regular maintenance, particularly for decorative applications, will help retain its visual appeal over time.

Origin and Availability of Light Red Meranti Timber

Light red meranti is sourced from Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. In Australia, it is widely available and commonly marketed under the name "meranti." Its broad usage and adaptability have ensured its presence in timber markets across the country.

 Very LowLowMediumHighVery High
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Tangential :  5.10%  
Radial :  2.80%  
Unit Movement Tangential: 0.28%   
Unit Movement Radial:0.15%    
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMedium HighMediumReasonably LowLowVery Low
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No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMediumLowVery Low
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 White, yellow, pale straw to light brownPink to pink brownLight to dark redBrown, chocolate, mottled or streaky
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Modulus of Rupture - Unseasoned:46 MPa
Modulus of Rupture - Seasoned:66 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Unseasoned:7 GPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Seasoned:9 GPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Unseasoned:23 MPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Seasoned:41 MPa
Impact - Unseasoned: 
Impact - Seasoned: 
Toughness - Unseasoned: 
Toughness - Seasoned: 
Hardness - Unseasoned:2
Hardness - Seasoned:2
 LowModerateReasonably HighHigh
 (0 - 5 yrs)(5 - 15 yrs)(15 - 25 yrs)(more than 25 yrs)
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 (0 - 7 yrs)(7 - 15 yrs)(15 - 40 yrs)(More than 40 yrs)
Above ground:
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 (0 - 20 yrs, usually < 5)(21 - 40 yrs)(41 - 64 yrs)(More than 60 yrs)
Marine Borer Resistance:
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Lyctid Borer Susceptibility:Susceptible
Lyctid Borer Susceptibility - Other: 
Termite Resistance:Not Resistant
EFH Ignitibility:                    
EFH Spread-of-Flame Index:        
EFH Smoke-Developed Index: