Collection: Merbau Timber

Merbau is a durable hardwood native to tropical forests across Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, Papua New Guinea, and northern Queensland. Renowned for its natural strength and durability, it is highly versatile, serving both large-scale engineering projects and finer applications such as furniture making and interior joinery. Its rich, reddish-brown heartwood and distinct grain patterns make it a favorite for aesthetic and practical uses alike.

Appearance of Merbau Timber

Freshly cut, the heartwood of merbau exhibits a yellow-orange or light brown hue that deepens to a rich reddish-brown with age. This contrasts with its sapwood, which appears pale yellow, white, or buff. Merbau features a coarse, even texture with interlocked or wavy grain patterns, often creating attractive ribbon-like figures on backsawn surfaces. The wood emits an oily odor when freshly cut, and its vessels contain a yellow substance that can stain textiles or concrete.

Applications of Merbau Timber

Merbau's strength and resistance to decay make it ideal for both outdoor and indoor applications. It is commonly used in heavy-duty projects such as bridge building, wharves, cross-arms, sleepers, mining timbers, and marine decking. Its durability and natural beauty also lend it to joinery, flooring, furniture, and decking. In addition, merbau is utilized for boat building, musical instruments, carving, tool handles, and cabinetry. Its widespread application extends to both decorative and structural uses, making it a staple in construction and design.

Workability of Merbau Timber

Merbau is relatively easy to work with hand tools and turns well, but its hardness can make machining more variable. While it generally cuts cleanly, it may dull cutting edges due to its density and resin content. Pre-drilling is recommended to prevent splitting during fastening, though the wood holds nails and screws well once secured. Merbau finishes attractively with paint, stain, or polish, but care must be taken to avoid issues with gum bleeding or oily patches. Its seasoning process is efficient, exhibiting minimal shrinkage and excellent stability.

Durability of Merbau Timber

Merbau is highly durable, with strong resistance to termites and decay. Its heartwood is less affected by environmental factors, making it suitable for outdoor and marine applications. However, untreated sapwood is susceptible to lyctid borer attack and should be protected.

Origin and Availability of Merbau Timber

Merbau is sourced from tropical forests in Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, and northern Queensland, Australia, where it is known as Johnstone River teak or scrub mahogany. In Australia, it is primarily imported, though small quantities are harvested locally. Buyers are encouraged to verify the timber’s certification to ensure legal and sustainable sourcing, as illegal logging practices are a concern in its native regions. Certified merbau is available through Kosny Timber.

Merbau's combination of beauty, durability, and versatility makes it a sought-after timber for various projects, from heavy construction to intricate furniture and decorative elements.

 Very LowLowMediumHighVery High
Check mark
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Tangential :2.50%    
Radial : 1.20%   
Unit Movement Tangential: 0.30%   
Unit Movement Radial: 0.19%   
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMedium HighMediumReasonably LowLowVery Low
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No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
 Very HighHighReasonably HighMediumLowVery Low
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 White, yellow, pale straw to light brownPink to pink brownLight to dark redBrown, chocolate, mottled or streaky
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Modulus of Rupture - Unseasoned:118 MPa
Modulus of Rupture - Seasoned:147 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Unseasoned:15 GPa
Modulus of Elasticity - Seasoned:18 GPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Unseasoned:59 MPa
Maximum Crushing Strength - Seasoned:82 MPa
Impact - Unseasoned:18 J
Impact - Seasoned:7.7-14 J
Toughness - Unseasoned:Medium - 15 - 24 Nm
Toughness - Seasoned:Medium - 15 - 24 Nm
Hardness - Unseasoned:7.6
Hardness - Seasoned:8.5
 LowModerateReasonably HighHigh
 (0 - 5 yrs)(5 - 15 yrs)(15 - 25 yrs)(more than 25 yrs)
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 (0 - 7 yrs)(7 - 15 yrs)(15 - 40 yrs)(More than 40 yrs)
Above ground:   
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 (0 - 20 yrs, usually < 5)(21 - 40 yrs)(41 - 64 yrs)(More than 60 yrs)
Marine Borer Resistance: 
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Lyctid Borer Susceptibility:Susceptible
Lyctid Borer Susceptibility - Other: 
Termite Resistance:Resistant
EFH Spread-of-Flame Index:        
EFH Smoke-Developed Index:        
1 - non-combustible2 - reasonably non-combustible3 - slightly combustible4 - combustible

Fire Properties Group

Average Specific Extinction Area:


Bushfire Resistance:

BAL 12.5, 19 and 29 – All AS3959 required applications